Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day 8

It rained during the night while I was sleeping. Not much, just enough to get everything damp. I had a towel to dry my stuff off with and then I decided to continue on my way. I was headed to Damascus VA and in between me and Damascus was my last major climb until the Rockies. There would be a few smaller ones after this, but this was the last real climb that would cause much physical exertion. I set off. It was a pleasant day to ride. There were a few clouds but mostly it was just sunny and warm. I began my assent and much to my surprise I was riding along a beautiful mountain stream most of the way that flowed crystal clear with a slight rush to it. It was not in to big a hurry, but still it didn’t lazily wonder its way through the hills as many streams on the eastern half of the country do.
I arrived in Damascus pretty early in the evening and the thought of going on was some what appealing, but in the end that little voice that said, “this coffee shop has free internet and a computer for you to use” won out and I sat around for a good few hours trying to converse with friends. Then a quick stop by the store for some more food and off I went to the next camp ground. It was simply delightful. I was camping right along a river that reminded me of the Applegate River back home. It was clear, deep and moving along at a good pace. There were also rocks along it, not small ones, but huge boulders and cliffs. It was simply amazing to sleep only feet a way from it. I found a little grassy patch under a big fur tree and pitched my tent.
Later that night I went and made a few phone calls to mom and Natasha (my contact for Mennonite Your Way homes) and then I went to bead. Over all it was a splendid day with little or no hardships. In fact it was so easy I made the mistake of thinking to myself, “waw, I haven’t even popped a tier yet.”
It was another short day. I rode 67.5 miles at 12 mph. It took me 5:37 with a max speed of 36.6 mph.

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